Ohio hunting to end 1 January 2018

The Ohio laws will be changing effective 1 January 2018. PETA efforts have finally prevailed at least for now and Ohio. Spokesperson for PETA States they have proven many cases to wear the animals being hunted in several states are suffering many minutes in some cases hours prior to dying once they are shot or hit by an arrow. It is considered inhumane to kill an animal in this manner in the state of Ohio from here on. The state of Ohio is the first state to change its laws and police are worried that people will end up hitting deer and other animals in order to get there fix. If this does show the trend then the Ohio law will change once again confirming the obvious. If you are an avid Hunter with a license your insurance may go up just for these facts alone. For right now all insurance companies are ordered to have a freeze on all premiums until this fact is actually proven. It is a quick change without any warning. West Virginia is going through the investigation next and the facts being presented by PETA is yet another strong case. PETA’s goal is to not only stop cruel killings but their next goal is to shut all slaughter houses down. Could it ever come to this? Did we see this coming.