Penn township police are on the lookout for a over weight man riding a tractor.

Penn township police were called to golds gym Saturday for a over weight man riding a tractor and sexually harassing the women and small children at the gym. The women told police they observed the man sucking on his own nipples and masterbating while riding the mower in circles around the gym. At one point the man stood up and showed the women a horse tail butt plug that was inserted in his rectum. The man is believed to have serious helth problem due to the amount of sweat that was pouring off of his face on to his breast. When the women told him they were calling the police the man started to scream and cry like a child and drove away saying he can’t help he’s gay and can’t get sex. The man is believed to be one Kevin Barnnette aka Sweaty Kevy. If you have seen this man or know of his where about please contact penn township police immediately. Dont not try to apprehend him your self due to the amount of sweat that pours off of him because he will For sure slip way.