Practicing islam to be banned in Illinois

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner on Monday said he plans to rewrite a Democrat-passed ban on practicing the religon of islam in Illinois, setting up a likely showdown with Democrats who control the General Assembly as tensions rise between the citizens of Illinois and migrants from the middle east.
Rauner’s declarations came amid a continued staff shake-up that has seen several key staff members be fired or resign. They’ve been replaced by islam practicing migrants. The people of Illinois are protesting that islamic immigrants are taking jobs and are planning a big uprising that will cause the downfall of America.
One Illinois resident said that ,”I work with a women who practices Islam. At first, i thought she was a Mexican, but my worst fear came true after i was called a kafere for sitting on a pine cone and pleding my allegiance to the one true god, lucifer.”
What are your thoughts on banning Islam in Illinois?