Rear-ended and getting paid for it.

True Americans have just recieved good news. Starting Jan. 01,2018 your tax dollars will be accounted for. Starting the new year with a new family. Taxpayers will recieve a packet inclosed with your Food Stamp Family or FSF for short. In your packet you will recieve a picture of the sponsored family you are taking care of along with SS #’s, birthdays and Christmas wish list. This will be a way for you as responsible tax payers to see that your money really is helping the less fortunate eat better than you, have better Christmas than you and drive fancier “whips” than you. In return you will get no apperciation for your hard work. Due to the Federal law passed on food stamp reform this only effect the working middle class. No exemptions are allowed. You and your family will be matches up through the governments database with a like sized family so you can see what lazy entitlement really looks like. If you have read this far you have a great senseof humor. Share for a good laugh.