Rock Hill Woman Finds Valuable Item

Dawn Taylor, a native of Fort Mill who has lived at her current address in Rock Hill for 17 years, was planting in her backyard on Sunday near her pool when she hit something hard and metallic. She unearthed an old lockbox with a rusted lock and easily pried it open. She was very surprised by the contents. There was a 2 karat princess cut diamond ring, valued at six thousand dollars, 4 bundles of Eastman Kodak stock certificates, valued at over two million dollars and a leather pouch containing sixty thousand dollars in one hundred dollar bills. There were several letters from a Oscar Coleman to a woman named Kathy Pritchard that had all been returned to sender. There is no explanation about the box or it’s contents. Mrs. Taylor stated “I can’t believe this wasn’t destroyed when we excavated for the pool, what a wonderful stroke of luck”.