State officials now saying phones will be banned by force from schools statewide

In today’s day and age, electronics have become a huge part of our daily lives. Even children tend to spend less time being social and more time online. Unfortunately, this is also true in schools.
Teens tend to spend hours a day online, even sneaking phones into class against the school code. Well now Arizona officials are taking an active step towards getting their education back. One official stated in his argument, “Our kids spend so much time on facebook, snapchat and tumblr that they are ignoring important school work and lessons in school. We’ve tried to put rules against this, but they always find a way to be online”. So now they’re taking action.
Starting September 1st, 2017, when children arrive at school, they will be required to drop off their backpacks to be inspected for phones which will be removed, and they’ll be scanned as well. Of course this will not be necessary if they willing hand them over as asked of them, and then will pick them up at the end of the day from their last teacher of the day. Yes it does put a strain on the system, but of no action is taken now, will our kids ever actually get the education they need?