Study shows cell phones make men sterile

Does your husband or boyfriend use a cell phone? Do you often find him shirking responsibilities or ignoring children in favor of his phone? You might want to tell him to ditch the phone because it may affect his ability to have and maintain an erection.

A group of Harvard scientists have conducted a study involving over a thousand male participants who use a cell phone for more than 4 hours a day and the results are shocking. Dr. Eric Tiledy Sphunction states that “brain waves have a direct affect on the penis. When you don’t make your brain or body move for long periods of time, then you lose blood flow and your brain can no longer recognize when it’s sexually aroused. Both of these conditions are quite detrimental to the male genitalia”.

Sphunction’s study noted a marked difference between father’s who were actively engaged in their children’s lives and those who would rather scroll on Facebook. Those who used cell phones only for phone calls and texting we’re still able to keep erections, but those who overused were not able to perform sexually. Sphunction said cell phone usage and the corresponding failure in the bedroom is attributed to 78% of divorces in 2016.

If you or a loved one is struggling to overcome a cell phone addiction, please urge them to call 1-800-INO-HARD to receive free counseling and a list of local resources available to you.