Tri-Cities resisedent has won $98,000,000 from powerball

Local Tri-Cities resident Amos Teas of Benton City, WA wins POWERBALL jackpot worth $98,000,000 with single PICK 6 POWERBALL TRIPLE PLAY ticket bought from Yokeโ€™s Supermarket on Road 68 in Pasco on July 25th, 2017. Teas, age 37, did not care to comment when KNDU 25 met up with him earlier tonight. Covert is 1 of 1,235 POWERBALL winners this year in Washington State. Tomorrow in Kennewick, WA a celebration will be held at Town Hall for Press Coverage. Tune in tomorrow at 5pm on KNDU 25 for more details on Washingtonโ€™s First Multi-Million Dollar POWERBALL WINNER.