Trump and Putin Finally Admit Affair

President Donald J Trump will reportedly make an announcement to the free world in a joint statement with Russian President Vladimir Putin “sometime within the next week or so” as to the nature of their relationship. Apparently, it’s more than political according to sources. President Trump has leaked to the source that the announcement will be “really big” and “fabulous”. The source, is a high level official in the Trump White House and said the two presidents have been carrying on “a relationship” for several years now. “All of these secret meetings, the rigging of the election charges, all of it, have been the result of Donald and Vlad’s desire to be together. It’s all really sweet when you think about it, so innocent.” The source goes on to say this had to stop as Putin was having reporters in Russia killed off at an alarming rate to protect his sexuality. “Donald was really taken aback by all the reporters Vlad’s had killed and didn’t think the American media would stand for the same treatment. The logical choice for Donald was to make a really, really big announcement and just come clean.”
It’s speculated that Trump and Putin will have some sort of an arrangement whereby Trump will travel to the Kremlin every other month and Putin will travel to the White House on the opposite months, or “something like that”, according to the White House source.