Urgent Warning Regarding Michigan Peaches 2017

Many Michiganders enjoy fresh Michigan Peaches in the mid to late summer months. Unfortunately, many this year have discovered a shocking surprise. The author of this article shopped a trusted local farm stand (in front of Southwick’s, on M-89 between Otsego and Plainwell.) He purchased a quart of Michigan peaches, and while driving home he picked one out of the bag and bit into it, without looking at the peach. He immediately regretted his decision, as fresh, delicious peach juice gushed down his chin, onto his shirt, and into his lap. The horrific incident did not, however, prevent the author from consuming the rest of the peach on his drive home.

So use caution. Eating Michigan peaches may be messier than expected. But it’s well worth it.

You have been warned.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.
