Huntsville area escort service with a twist under investigation.

The district attorney in investigating a local escort service that appears to be offering more than is allowed by law. The investigation is still undergoing, however as of now it seems too bazaar to comprehend.
Law enforcement officials were alerted to the escort service, after an unhappy customer, called the police to complain. The unlikely ring of escorts is headed up by a female as the mastermind and employs several male escorts. Since official charges have yet to be filed all actors are presumed to be innocent, therefore full names will not be printed in this story.
Reports state that D Writtenberry is the ring leader of the group that has made its way around the county fair circuits and certain rodeo and barrel racing events. It’s been said that the proceeds from the illegal prostitution was used to purchase horse equipment and even a new truck.
Officials state that the story turned bazaar when clients came forward with shocking details about the male escorts provided by the service. R Moore who happens to be one of the escorts under investigation is said to be a part time actor that has made his debut in the gay porn industry, using the name Little Richard. It has been reported that he would turn tricks out of the back of Writtenberrys horse trailer, while at equine events. A second escort by the name of J Depree, is said to be an escort that specializes in pleasing morbidly obese women. The final escort may be facing the most severe punishment if found guilty. D Bokor has been caught on cell phone video using his hand to pleasure a prize winning goat by the name of Jasper. The goats owner is refusing to file criminal charges, as she said it’s the happiest Jasper has been in years.
Channel 23 will continue to follow the story and keep you updated, on any further details regarding this strange group of people.