Trump appoints former NBA star Rodman as US ambassador to North Korea.

Former NBA star and current screw job Dennis Rodman is President Trumps last hope in defusing the tension between the United States and North Korea. Rodman, 56 is best friends with fellow nut case Kim Jong Un after visiting the country several times in the past.

Trump appointed the odd ball basketball star in response to North Koreas threat of invading US territory Guam. Trump said ‘Dennis is a wonderful basketball player and will no doubt do a fantastic job with that short, freak haircut loser.’

Rodman will be sent to North Korea as soon as possible to negotiatate a peace deal but experts are suggesting this is a desperate move. Anderson Cooper of CNN says ‘I don’t care anymore’ and NBC Today Show presenter Matt Lauer tweeted ‘nothing surprises me anymore’ and Steve Kroft of 60 minutes said ‘what the actual f***’

Jeanine Piro was not hopeful for a peaceful solution but appeared excited. In a statement released by Fox News she said ‘I hope that sexy orange stud f**** that little f****** s***bag peice of s***’.