New Study into S.H.S.

Unnecessary testing wastes money and can lead to further testing. Why does it occur?

Almost 60% of medical personnel surveyed at a large academic medical center believed that hospitalized patients should have daily laboratory testing.

Of 1580 attending physicians, fellows, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurses sent surveys, 837 (53%) responded; 393 (47%) were RNs, and 80% of those nurses felt that daily laboratory testing should be done on all patients.

The new study into S.H.S. “Small Head Syndrome ” have shown it is not necessary to diagnose through blood tests.

A recent diagnosis of a woman in a small town in Indiana, found that the woman by the name of Tammy Bridges was suspected of having the syndrome. Her family always thought she had a smaller than normal head.

In a recent interview, her daughter, Megan Bridges said “I am just relieved we finally have a diagnosis to my moms unusually small head.”