The famous actress Sandra Bullock, 53, was found dead in her Manhattan home Thursday evening. Bullock appeared Wednesday morning for an interview with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. According to Bullock’s publicist, Rob Tristian, the star had fallen ill Wednesday evening and was brought into Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan to undergo an emergency surgery. Reportedly, Bullock returned home Thursday afternoon to her Manhattan home to make a quick recovery. Alongside Bullock was a certified nurse to care after the ill actress and check on her hourly. At approximately 8:43 p.m. Thursday evening, the nurse returned for a routine checkup and found the actress in bed, seemingly asleep. According to police reports from the 13th Precinct New York Police Department, and a statement from police chief, James P. O’Neill, the nurse checked Bullocks pulse and upon feeling the actress, the nurse immediately called for an ambulance. As the nurse performed CPR on Bullock, first responders arrived, pronouncing Bullock dead on the scene.