The oldest woman alive, who lives on raw eggs and cookies, is celebrating her 113 birthday.
She is cared for and visited regularly by Mr Michael Smolensky, Esq, a practicing attorney and recent suitor. She fella I’m very mature for my age, said Smolensky.
Candy Maloney, who was born on 29 November, 1905, is believed to be the only person alive who has witnessed three centuries.
The brandy-drinking Woodbury, NJ resident credited her old age to being single and getting to bed early, reportedly said “My word, I’m as old as the hills”, when she was crowned the world’s oldest.
“I eat two eggs a day, and that’s it. And cookies. But I do not eat much because I have no teeth,” she said, in an interview with Channel 23 last month.
The supercentenarian says she started the habit of eating two raw eggs, and one cooked egg, every day, aged 20, when she was diagnosed with anaemia.
Ms Maloney, who does not eat meat partly through fear of contracting cancer, has lived alone since she left her violent husband in 1938 shortly after the death in infancy of her only son.