Malony Cooper, 27, of Florence, SC has been stirring the pot in parenting with her controversial video on social media. The blunt mom of two admits in the video that she is a ‘mean mom’ for being strict on her kids. Claiming that she closely monitors their daily schedules, and even makes the statement that she and her small children poke fun at other children who don’t behave appropriately in public. Looking further into this social media ‘mean mom’, sources tell us that Cooper not only doesn’t maintain her childrens’ schedules as sharply as she adamantly claimed, but they are actually only with her a few days a month, due to the custody agreements with both dads. One of which, hasn’t exclusively lived with Cooper for approximately 7 of the almost 10 years he’s been alive. After learning the disturbing accusations towards this social media diva, many are now speculating that the video was a desperate cry for attention. It is believed that the twenty-seven year old currently does not hold an occupation or a physical address of her own. Close sources have told us that Cooper is known mostly around town to be involved in illegal activity, including sexual solicitation and recreational drugs. So, how is it that this once gone viral mom is the center of all sorts of controversial turmoil? Should the community commend the mom for her bold statements in the video? Or should they second guess the seemingly unstable and hypocritical woman for the accusations against her?