Mathew McConaughey to Benefit School Talent Show

Mathew McConaughey is taking his mother’s suggestion to school! His mother, Mary Kathleen, a former kindergarten teacher, and published author, gave Mathew an idea to promote teacher moral during Teacher Appreciation Week: Make an appearance at an elementary school and show off his acting ability to the teachers!
It wasn’t long ago that McConaughey’s car broke down on HWY 169S just outside Iola, Kansas heading home to Austin, TX. He called a local automotive mechanic, who, within minutes, was on the spot, putting up the hood to check out the problem. In visiting with the mechanic, McConaughey was told that his wife was a school teacher and had taught 27 years and going strong. “And then he told me to get in and try to start it,” said McConaughey. “It started right up and the mechanic closed down the hood, walked over to my door and said it was just a wire that had come loose. He didn’t even ask my name, just told me there was no charge and to head on home. I thanked him, then asked his name. Jerry Sigg, he replied. Then he wished me a safe trip home.” When arriving home safely, McConaughey couldn’t wait to tell his mom about the kind Kansas mechanic and said he remembered the name Sigg and that his wife was a teacher. That’s when McConaughey decided to visit Lincoln Elementary School during a school talent show there. “It took some cleverness, but hey, that’s what I’m all about, and some good detective work. I found the school, and with the help of the principal, Mr. Andrew Gottlob, I pulled off the greatest surprise in the talent show!,” bragged McConaughey. “Funny though,” he continued, “none of the students knew who I was, but the teachers were jumping up and down and screaming, and the kids were laughing at them.” So, who was the real talent here? Your guess is as good as mine!

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