Officials at the beautiful St. Vincent and the Grenadines Island record the most harrowing season yet! Mayor John Baptiste-Renault urges inexperienced sailors to stay home this summer:
“We have never seen this many (sailing) related deaths in all of my residency on the island… Experts expect that the unprecedented storm season will only worsen throughout the summer.”
4 couples on romantic sailing getaways have already perished so early in the Summer. Experts maintain this is related to supposed “Captains” and self-proclaimed “experts” who invested in a boat and falsely advertise experience to procure business for themselves.
“They just do not have the experience to navigate this horrendous Summer. Everyone expected the waters to be calm, but it’s a nightmare!”, proclaims one local merchant.
Stay tuned to this harrowing story in future weeks as the storms expect to worsen.
– J. Waters