John Hopkins Research Academy proves IQ improves the more time one spends on Facebook.

The study conducted over the past 4 years included 847 participants from 12 countries found that on average for every hour a day dedicated to Facebook the IQ of the individual rose 5 points during subsequent testing.
The level of general knowledge and political awareness also improved as most individuals who spend 2-3 hours on FaceBook are able to obtain at least 18 noteworthy news stories.
While further research is ongoing, John Hopkins researcher Dr. Ben Kanobi PSD. from California and Professor William Bonney agreed that 3-4 hours a day at a minimum for young adults is recommended and multiple tools that will allow access are essential for the greatest improvements in IQ. “Parents should not be chastising their children for using the social media tool, they need to insure access as often as possible.”, stated Professor Bonney.
The research study was funded by the U.S. Federal Government from 2012-2016, and researchers are requesting an additional 104 Million Dollars to continue the study for grades
The Trump administration has been reluctant to comment on the research or the findings, and has offered little indication of interest in continuing the research. “Higher IQ’s using social media, is not really an area that needs to be researched further. This administration has believed for over a decade using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will make anyone’s IQ improve”, commented Trump Spokeperson Ari Shwiezer.
A formal press conference by the John Hopkins researchers is to be held at the United Nations on July 28, 2017.